Il prossimo 7 maggio si apre a Roma FinTechStage Festival, la manifestazione internazionale dedicata al Fintech con quattro giorni di eventi tra Roma, Milano e Torino.
Roma – Accenture Fintech Forum: Regtech, Technology & Ecosystem
7 Maggio, 10.00-17.00, Centro Congressi Piazza di Spagna
- 10.00-10.30: Registrazione
- 10.30-10.45: Welcome note Accenture | Fintech eco-system: setting the scene. Mauro Macchi, Senior Managing Director Accenture, Financial Services Lead for Italy, Central Europe and Greece
- 10.45-11.25: Where is the Italian eco-system standing?. Moderato da Ghela Boskovich, Head of RegTech and FinTech Partnerships, StartupBootcamp. Partecipano:
- Pierfrancesco Gaggi, Head of International Relations, ABI
- Sebastiano Barbanti, Deputato della Repubblica Italiana XVII legislature, Camera dei Deputati
- Mauro Macchi, Senior Managing Director Accenture, Financial Services Lead for Italy, Central Europe and Greece
- 11.25-11.45: Success story in ecosystem building. Nicolas Mackel, CEO, Luxembourg for Finance
- 11.45-12.40: Ecosystem building: What is the best possible collaboration model to foster innovation, better user experience and efficiency in financial services?. Moderato da Massimiliano Colangelo, Managing Director Accenture, Banking Lead for Italy, Central Europe and Greece.
- Imprenditori: Mark Holmes, Founder, Wayark Tech; Carlo Giaj Levra, Nike Group, The Regtech Company
- Autorità di controllo: Dan Morgan, Fintech Sector Specialist at Department for International Trade
- Investitori: Ben Brabyn, Chief Executive, Investor, Advisor, Level39
- Banchieri: Antonio Galiano, Head of E-Bank, ICCREA; Roberta Profeta, Senior Manager, Multichannel Office S/D, Intesa Sanpaolo International
- 12.40-13.35: Regtech: Will regulators be replaced by tech? reimagining financial supervision and policymaking?. Come possiamo applicare le nuove tecnologie – come big data, machine learning e IA, procedimenti automatici e smart contracts – alle maggiori sfide in tema di supervisione e regolazione? Moderato da Lazaro Campos, Co-Founder, FinTechStage. Partecipano:
- Ghela Boskovich, Head of RegTech and FinTech Partnerships, StartupBootcamp
- Sonal Rattan, Co-founder and CTO of Exate Technology
- Elizabeth Lumley, Founder, The Collective Network Confirmed
- Dan Morgan, Fintech Sector Specialist at Department for International Trade
- 13.35-14.45: Lunch and networking
- 14.45-15.00: Digital identity, fraud & GDPR. Bianca Lopes, FinTech Influencer
- 15.00-15.15: Digital identity, fraud & GDPR. In Conversation With…
- Bianca Lopes, FinTech Influencer
- Fabrizio Sarrocco, Managing Director for Financial Services, Finance and Risk practice Lead for Europe, Accenture
- 15.15-15.30: Balancing consumer protection and need for data – intro. In Conversation With…
- Emma Lindley, Senior Director, Digital Identity & Money, VISA
- Matteo Rizzi, Co-Founder FinTechStage
- 15.30-16.15: Balancing consumer protection and need for data. Le nuove generazioni hanno una relazione particolare con la provacy, e allo stesso tempo il regolatore spinge verso un profondo cambiamento delle regole. Indipendentemente dalle nostre opinioni, la tecnologia rende tutto più pervasivo. Quali sono le sfide? Moderato da Fabrizio Sarrocco, Managing Director Accenture, Finance and Risk practice Lead for Europe. Partecipano:
- Emma Lindley, Senior Director, Digital Identity & Money, VISA
- Roberto Maranca, Chief Data Officer at Lloyds
- James Varga, CEO The ID Co.
- 16.15-17.00: Blockchain vs regtech: opportunity and challenges for the regulatory environment. Le Distributed Ledger Technologies have hanno il potenziale di trasformare radicalmente l’industria dei servizi finanziari, ma le imprese sono ancora molto indietro e la posizione dei regolatori è ancora indefinita. Emergono quindi delle domande su come regolatori, imprese leader e RegTech possano collaborare per utilizzare queste tecnologie dirompenti ne lmiglior modo possibile. Moderato da Andrea Craviotto, Managing Director Accenture, Technology Strategy practice, Partecipano:
- Luigi Telesca, CEO & Co-Founder, Trakti
- Diana Biggs, Head of Digital Innovation, UK & Europe, HSBC
- Dan Selman, CTO, Clause Inc
- Simon Wilkinson, Operations Director,
- 17.50-17.10: Wrap up
8 Maggio, 8.30 -13.00, Talent Garden Calabiana
- 08.00-9.00: Registrazione
- 09.00-09.10: Welcome note – Intro
- Lazaro Campos, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- Matteo Rizzi, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- 09.10-09.40: Institutional keynote. Davide Serra, CEO, Algebris Investments
- 09.40-10.10: Keynote
- Intro: Mariela Atanassova, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- Case study: Alon Shem-Tov, Global head of Business Development, Personetics
- 10.10-11.00: Where is the data pool?. IA, Machine Learning e Deep Learning non sono nulla senza dati: come possono esserci così tante imprese che affermano di fare IA? Moderato da Mariela Atanassova, Co-Founder, FinTechStage. Partecipano:
- Alon Shem-Tov, Global Head of Business Development, Personetics
- Niall Bellabarba, Director of International,
- Bianca Lopes, FinTech Influencer
- 11.00-11.20: Coffee break
- 11.20-11.40: Human + robot in the era of hybrid advice
- Antonella Aureli, Managing Director Accenture, Capital Markets Lead for Italy, Central Europe and Greece
- Lazaro Campos, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- 11.40-12.30: The role of the banker? How will ai transform the commodity base business?. L’automazione delle mansioni ripetitive è parte dei benefici dell’IA, che però èun’arma a doppio taglio. Quale sarà il ruolo delle banche nel futuro? Moderato da Matteo Rizzi, Co-Founder, FinTechStage. partecipano:
- Serena Torielli, Founding Partner, Advise Only
- Ruth Polacheck, Enterpreneur, CEO & Co-Founder,
- Pau Velando, GM, Strands
- 12.30-13.00: From traditional to intelligent to immersive: how is AI transforming banking?. Fabio Moioli, Head of Consulting and Services, Microsoft Italia
- 13.00-13.10: WRAP UP & CONCLUSION
9 Maggio 13.30-18.00, Talent Garden Calabiana
- 13.30-14.30: Registrazione
- 14.30-14.40: Welcome note
- Matteo Rizzi, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- Lazaro Campos, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- 14.40-15.10: In conversation with…
- Daniela D’Andrea, CEO, Swiss Re Italy
- Matteo Rizzi, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- 15.10-16.00: Unlocking new value pools. Una conversazione sul modo in cui le società leader collaboreranno o competeranno con le nuove società InSurTech e Fintech. Moderato da Lazaro Campos, Co-Founder, FinTechStage. Partecipano:
- Samantha Ghiotti, Partner, Anthemis Group
- Rohan Malhotra, Co-Founder & CEO, Roadzen
- Florian Graillot, Partner at
- Pascal Bouvier, Venture Partner, Santander InnoVentures
- 16.00-16.15: In conversation with…
- Mariela Atanassova, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- Edwin Van derOuderaa , Senior Managing Director Accenture, Financial Services Digital Global Lead
- 16.15-16.35: Coffee break
- 16.35-17.00: KEYNOTE, Ruchit Garg, Founder & CEO, Harvesting
- 17.00-18.00: Give data to me. Casi studio, moderato da Bianca Lopes, FinTech Influencer. Partecipano:
- Pietro Menghi, CEO Neosurance
- Ruchit Garg, Founder & CEO, Harvesting
- Daniele Presutti, Senior Managing Director Accenture, Insurance Lead for Europe
- 18.00-18.10: WRAP UP
- Matteo Rizzi, Co-Founder, FinTechStage
- Lazaro Campos, Co-Founder, FinTechStage